Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hey LadiesIve recently been handed some awards .So i feel it is only right to Pass some more awards out =).Ekk...Where to Start =-/ lol.........................................................................................Thank you Laura from http://clothescosmeticsandchat.blogspot.com/For my Sunshine award =)The rules of this award are:*Thank the person who gave you this award*Write a post about it*Pass it on to 10 bloggers you think really deserve it and send them a message to let them knowI would Like to Pass this award to =)1) Ash - lily from http://ash-lillyslacquerlust.blogspot.com/2) Anne from http://bullesdoreesnailart.blogspot.com/3) Tammy from http://canadiannailfanatic.blogspot.com/4) Diane from http://dutch-diana.blogspot.com/5) http://danussasnails.blogspot.com/6)http://www.diavaslacquerbox.com/7) Emily from http://emilysnailfiles.blogspot.com/8) Stacie from http://kawaiinailart.blogspot.com/9) Marox79 and Marion from http://juntasperonorevueltas.blogspot.com/10 ) Thriszha from http://thriszha.blogspot.com/.............................................................................................Thank you juntasperonorevueltas For my * Sunshine Award*Here are my answers and the blogs i would like to pass this award onto =).1) Favourite colour -Green!2) Favourite Animal - Cats - especially my cat Sassy3) Favourite number - 14!..or 7 if i have to choose a number under 10.4) what perfume am i using right now - Intimately Beckham- yours.5) Something you always wear with you and identifies you...Hmm..work staff id lol?6) What's your passion? Drawing and painting =)7) Getting or giving presents? - Ugg i love both! ..Hm but i do like getting presents for people =)8) What was the last eyeshadow you used? - A Avon neutral colour from a set i got recently9) Favourite day of the week -  Friday!!!!10) Are your nails painted right now? ...Ofc..i feel naked when they are not painted...is that weird And i award :1) Sammy from http://nailasaurus.blogspot.com/2) Manicured Monkey3) Holiday from http://blackcoffee1437.blogspot.com/4) Rebecca from http://rebeccalikesnails.blogspot.com/5) Nicola - http://toptotoe28.blogspot.com/6) Jane from http://nailside.blogspot.com/7) http://nailsncupcakes.blogspot.com/8) Mae - http://artofnail.blogspot.com/9) http://andayn.blogspot.com/10) http://www.all-you-desire.com/...............................................................................................................Thank you MarShee for my awardTop 10 Award:
1. Thank the person who tagged you and link to their blog.
2. Put the Top 10 Award logo on your blog.
3. List your top 10 cosmetics.
4. Choose 10 bloggers to tag, link to their blogs, and let them know.Ahhh...lets start!1) Avon Cuticle Balm - I love it and wouldn't be without it2) Vaseline Lip Therapy3) Barry M Lip Gloss Wand -Toffee flavour - I got it as a freebie and love it!4) Oil of Olay - Beauty Fluid - ive used this since i was a little girl - it never lets me down 5) Max Factor - Fusion Mascara ...I need my length and full lashes!6) Rimmel - Liquid eye liner =)7) Rimmel - Double duty base coat ...Ive used it for 2 years and swear by it!8) Gosh Holograhic polish9) Rimmel Bronzer compact 10) Nivea hand cream And to chose 10 blogs1) Martje from http://girly-addictions.blogspot.com/2)  AmusedPolish3) Brooke from http://www.caracita.com/4) Charming Nails5) Enamel Girl6)  from http://giudittasnailsandbeauty.blogspot.com/7) Natalie from http://heartnat.blogspot.com/8) Konad addict9) Parokeets 10) Paint Lady Fingers

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